
What to Do When You Encounter a Black Blizzard on the Road

By Product Expert | Posted in SafetyTips & Tricks on Monday, October 31st, 2016 at 9:45 am

Tips for Driving During a Dust Storm

We are all familiar with the Dust Bowl of the 1930s and the huge black blizzards that ensued during the Great Depression. Today, these storms are not as common in Texas thanks to improved and sustainable agricultural methods, though it is possible to encounter one in other areas of the Southwest—especially Arizona and New Mexico. Experiencing a dust storm while you are on the road is very dangerous, so here are some tips to help you survive.

What Should I Do When I See a Dust Storm Approaching?

If you hear a dust storm warning on your Nissan’s radio or see one approaching, try to seek shelter in a nearby town or roadside gas station. If you are unable to, pull yourself off the road as far as you are can and keep your windows rolled up.


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Should I Have My Nissan’s Lights On During a Dust Storm?

Yes and no. If you do end up pulling off the road to wait out the storm (which will typically last less than one hour), keep your tail lights and safety lights off so that any vehicles behind you won’t try to “follow” you and inadvertently cause an accident. However, if there is some visibility or you are unable to pull over and have to continue, turn your headlights on like you would when driving through heavy fog.


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Is There Anything Else That I Should Do If I Continue Driving?

In addition to having your headlights on, drive at a pace that is comfortable for you and honk your horn frequently to inform other drivers that you are in the area. Utilize the painted lines on the road as your guides. Driving during a dust storm should only be your last resort if you are unable to pull over or if there is some visibility.


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Should I Have My Nissan Serviced After a Dust Storm?

Absolutely! Once the dust storm passes and it is safe to do so, exit your Nissan and check the windshield, underbelly, front grille, and radiator for rocks and debris that may have got caught during the storm. When you get a chance, bring your vehicle to the Charlie Clark Nissan service department to let us do a thorough inspection, switch out your filters, and anything else to help keep your Nissan running smoothly! Contact us today and schedule a service appointment!

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What to Do When You Encounter a Black Blizzard on the Road - Charlie Clark Harlingen Spanish

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