
Stay Safe Behind the Wheel in South Texas This Summer!

By Product Expert | Posted in SafetyTips & Tricks on Monday, June 27th, 2016 at 3:02 pm

South Texas Summer Driving Safety and Health Tips

Here in the southern part of Texas, we are no strangers to the heat. And we are probably familiar with the dangers that the heat can bring, but there are some additional dangers that comes with summertime driving. We have some really great safety and health tips to help you make the most out of your summer driving in southern Texas!

Watch the Weather

We experience our fair share of heavy rains and thunderstorms, and they usually don’t stop us from getting where we need to go. However, we do recommend that you keep an eye on the weather and use your best judgement before heading out for the day. If you ever get caught in severe weather, feel free to pull over (if it is safe to do so) or seek shelter in a local business until you are comfortable with continuing on your way.


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Remember the Sunscreen

Sunscreen is essential in southern Texas, including in the vehicle. Surprisingly, you are exposed to a lot of sun while you are driving (take it from someone who was burned after half an hour), so slather on a coat of SPF 30 before getting behind the wheel!


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Stay Hydrated

Last, but certainly not least, make sure to drink plenty of water! We already know that the Texas heat can make us sweat, but you will lose even more fluids when you are in a hot vehicle. Bring along plenty of water bottles on your commute and day trips.


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Have a Fun Summer!

From all of us here at Charlie Clark Nissan-Harlingen, we hope that our customers and readers have a fun, but safe summer in southern Texas! If you need a new Nissan to help you get around Texas, feel free to check out our inventory and schedule a test drive with us!

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Stay Safe Behind the Wheel in South Texas This Summer! - Charlie Clark Harlingen Spanish

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